Saturday, September 20, 2014

To My Grandma

     I just got back to Germany today, more jetlagged than ever, from New York where I said my final goodbyes to my grandma. It was risky leaving Germany after only being here for less than two weeks but I could not imagine spending the last week away from my family. I am so happy I got to see everyone, but I wish it was under different circumstances. My grandma passed on September 12th and this one goes out to her.

     I am so sorry that you had to go in a way of such fear and hate when you lived such a life full of love. I hope you are exactly where you've believed in for so long. I hope you're with grandpa looking down on all of us fools who are so sad you are gone. I know that you are everywhere: in the rainbows, in the butterflies, in the warm, sweet air. I know you are trying to tell us that you're exactly where you have always wanted to be and that you are okay. Thank you for making our lives so much fuller with the love you gave to us. I'll miss you giggle, your waddle, the thing you do when you sneeze, and your random bible stories that have nothing to do with what we're talking about that none of us understood. I hope that where you are is filled with endless crocs, books, and basketball games. I hope you and grandpa have matching chairs again and are watching everything you can together. I will have a glass of tea in your honor since that was the extent of your exciting drinks, but know your daughters have had many, many, many glasses of wine for you. I love you with all my heart and you will forever be with me.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and love. Please keep sending my family good vibes as we get back to our normal lives without our biggest rock and support.

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